Vets Respond
"Our Watch Never Ends!"
America in Crisis - Vets Respond

Patriots Unite!

Attention Veterans of
The United States Armed Forces
Law Enforcement
Medical Personnel
Angel Families
Gold Star Families
Like-Minded Patriots
and Supporting Businesses

Muster. Organize. Respond.

Pass The Word!

Fetanyl Deaths since January 2021 - Govt. refuses to acknowledge

Over 10,000 illegal immigrants have Entered the U.S.A. Unvetted EVERY DAY since Jan 2021

The Known Gottaways Currently In the U.S.A. since Jan 2021

Veterans Strong...
We Are The Solution!!!

Since January 2024, this "Warning" is only one of dozens of warnings that have been issued to the public. Warnings of the Heightened Security Level issued by the FBI, CIA, DHS, ICE and CBP of "The Coming Attacks on The American People" PRIOR TO THE 2024 Presidential Election.


Pass The Word!


On January 20, 2021 within hours of being Sworn in, Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States of America, violated his Oath of Office when he signed 19 Executive Orders eliminating our Entire Border Security. Additionally, the Administration turned our Border Patrol Agents into "greeters & travel agents, transporting Criminals and Terrorists deep into the interior of The United States.

Americans are fed up with the
current state of our Country!

Since January 2021, our borders have remained Wide Open, allowing completely Unvetted, Undocumented, and Untracked, Illegal Immigrants to flood into our Country by the Multi-Millions (current numbers listed above). So, in an effort to hide the open border, the Administration is Now Flying the majority of the Illegal Immigrants directly into our Country (at tax-payer expense). This shell game, just helps even more Unvetted, Undocumented, Illegal Immigrants bypass the actual crossing of the border, so the Administration can say they are lowering the number of illegal crossings.

To be clear...
There are No Records...
NOT ONE SINGLE Illegal Immigrant
is being documented nor being kept track of!

The Illegals are now aided by ISIS, the Mexican Drug Cartels, the Biden Administration (at tax-payers expense) and Government Funded N.G.O.'s (also at tax-payers expense).

Each Illegal Immigrant, when they enter the U.S., they are given a FREE phone, a Visa debit card (that is refilled each month), food, shelter, etc. (all at tax-payers expense); and then they transported (at tax-payer expense) deep into America's Interior Nationwide. Every small town in America and every large city alike, is now a Border Town.

Up till now, this section of the website has listed countless Crimes Committed by Illegals on American Citizens, Law Enforcement Officers, Businesses, Public and Private Property Nationwide. We've also tracked and have listed the Warnings of Real, Clear and Present Dangers to the American People and the Safety of Our Entire Country.

At this present time, we are currently unable to keep up with the increased volume in real time. As time permits, they will be listed in a seperate section of the website. The crimes and threats at this point, have become way to numerous to list here now. The threats are ever increasing so exponentially on a daily basis, and in most cases increasing on an hourly basis now.

The C.C.P. currently has 150,000+
Military Soldiers already here
in the United States of America!

China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, ISIS and the Mexican Drug Cartels, are already at war with the United States. We are currently being attacked by cyber-attacks; and thousands of C.C.P. Military Soldiers, Terrorists, Criminals and Lethal Fentanyl is flooding into our Country! Within the first two weeks of arriving in the U.S.A., Chinese Soldiers are obtaining weapons and resume target practice with handguns and sniper rifles. The time to prepare is NOW, Our window of opportunity is quickly closing to unite and devise a plan of action when SHTF.

The THREAT LEVEL leading up to the Presidential Election in November 2024, IS NOW THE HIGHEST its ever been since the 9-11 Terrorist Attack!
Only this time...
"The Enemy IS Already ON American Soil!"
ALL Hands On Deck!

Our Country will be lost... If we're not part of the Solution...

We are the Best Last Hope of Saving the United States of America!

Local Teams
Forming Nationwide!


Join Your Local Team today...
Be Part of The Solution to
Preserve, Protect & Defend America!


On January 20, 2025 within hours of being Sworn in, The 47th President of The United States of America will sign a series of Executive Orders to Restore Border Security, Restore the Sovereignty of the United States and Empower "Deportation Teams" to begin the round up and removal process of the Unvetted, Undocumented, Illegal Immigrants.

This is an "All Hands On Deck" operation!

Our Country will be lost... If we're not part of the solution...

We are the best hope of saving the United States of America!


A Deep Dive

The Future of Our Country...

For whatever the reason, the U.S. Government has chosen to defend Ukraine's Sovereignty, while destroying the National Sovereignty, Safety and Security of the United States of America!

This now leaves it up to us... We The People... The Veterans of the USA to Preserve, Protect and Defend the Sovereignty of our Country and the American Way of Life!

This is Our Homeland...
The Future of Our Country is At Stake!
America Needs Us Now More than Ever!

As Veterans of the U.S.A., We Will Assist and Support Local Law Enforcement, in Our Individual Communities Nationwide, to Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution and the Sovereignty of the United States of America!

We Need To Defend Our Country
For Our Children & Grandchildren!



"For Evil to Triumph...
It Only Takes Good Men To Do Nothing!!!"
~ Edmund Burke ~

Together Everyone Accomplishes More!

Together, we've all kept our Great Country safe and secure up to this point in history. So, thank you to ALL My Fellow Veteran Brothers and Sisters for your Service to our Great Country! As Veterans, we know the sacrifices you've made for your Family and for Our Country!

We all took The Oath . . .

that I will faithfully execute the
duties of my office for which I will
carry out; and will to the best of my
abilty, Preserve, Protect and Defend
the Constitution of the United States
of America, Against All Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic . . .
That I will bear true faith
and allegiance to the same.
So Help Me God!!!""

We also KNOW that The OATH has NO Expiration! Now is the time that that will be tested... It's time for Us to Reunite as a Team Again and Step back onto the Proving Grounds!

The Question is . . .
What Kind of USA Do You Want Your
Children & Grandchilden To Grow Up In?

or... Will We Even Have Our Country?

Veterans have the knowledge, training and experience, each with different tallents and skillsets with a common thread to make this a successful mission! We Know that we can continue to make a difference in Our Country! This time, it's Our Homeland under attack and we need to defend her! Join Us Today!

Join The Team
Get your "Go-Bags" Ready!

It's now time to Come Together Again!
Get the word out and Join the Team before it's to late!



"For Evil to Triumph...
It Only Takes Good Men To Do Nothing!!!"
~ Edmund Burke ~

Terror On The Horizon!

Resources for Americans have become depleted, making the price of everything far more costly than is should be!

So, the 46th Administration of the United States will be on Record, as the "Highest Costly" ever, in the Entire Combined History of the United States, thus far. It will take centuries to recover from the last 3 1/2 years alone.

Only a partial list of this cost includes:

  • ISIS Terrorist Cells in the United States - Has increased 100%
  • Immigrant Crime - Has increased 5000%
  • Terrorist Cells in USA - Threat Level increased 5000%
    With Over 2 Million Gottaways (that we know of) currently on American Soil, per the Director of the FBI, this threat posses a Real and Present Danger to All Americans. Terrorist are scattered all over the Homeland waiting/planning to Kill Americans.
  • Terrorist Cells in USA per the Director of the FBI, posses a Real and Present Danger to All Americans. Terrorist are scattered all over the Homeland waiting for the order to Attack and Wreak Chaos and Anarchy to Kill Millions of Americans.
  • Hamas - Has increased 5000% in the USA
    Hamas Protests - Violent attacks on Jews
    Destruction of Public and Private Property.
  • Chinese Communist Party -
    Threat Level has increased 10,000%
    CCP currently has over 125 Battalions (150,000+ Soldiers) ON American Soil and are scattered all over the Homeland waiting for the order to attack and start killing Americans. (Hobbies: Sniper Target Practice!) CCP IS America's greatest threat NOW!
  • CCP has setup Bio Labs ON American Soil and are scattered all over the Homeland waiting for the order to attack to start killing Americans.
  • CCP is buying up as much Farmland in the United States as they can get their hands on to control America's Food Supply and to feed their troops. The total land mass now owned by the CCP is equivalent to the size of NYC. Especially concerning is each property is located next to our Key Military Bases and Installations.
  • CCP is shipping record Levels of Fentanyl into the United States to kill as many Americans possible, prior to the coming attack.
  • Mexican Drug Cartels are making Billions of dollars shipping record levels of Fentanyl and traffiking children, criminals and terrorists into the United States of America.
  • Fentanyl Overdoses - Have already killed over TWO MILLION Americans in the last 3 1/2 years.
  • Strategic Oil Reserves - We are currently at Half Levels. The 46th Administration "Completely Emptied" the entire Reserve just prior to the Mid-Term Elections to bring gas prices down 2ยข to secure more votes.
  • Unvetted illegal immigrants are coming from 170+ Countries with languages we've never heard of, making translation impossible.
  • Unvetted illegal immigrants are coming from "Socialist Countries" where The Government takes care of them. This alone will suck our country dry and destroy our way of life.
  • In Venezuela, it is "part of their culture" to murder Law Enforcement.
  • Illegal Immigrants are indebted servitudes to the Mexican Cartels (working in cahoots with the CCP) could wreak chaos and anarchy on the America.
  • It is now costing U.S. Taxpayers twice the price to refill the Strategic Oil Reserves, due to added regulations and the limiting of drilling permits (over the last 3 1/2 years). Drilling for Oil in the United States would lower inflation.
  • Our Children and Grandchildren are falling behind in School due to non-English speaking illegal immigrants that have inundated and overwhelmed the Eduction System at the Local Level, Nationwide. Note: Unvetted illegal immigrants are coming from 170+ Countries with languages we've never heard of, making translation impossible.
  • Illegal Immigrants are now protesting and demanding Even More Services, Better Care and even Better Living Standards then even those whom Served Our Country Honorably or even that of everyday hard working citizens!

Worse Yet -
Yep, it gets worse...
WE Are Paying For ALL This!!!

At the southern border, illegal immigrants are given FREE airfare or busing to anywhere in the United States the illegal wishes to go. They are also given FREE cell phones, housing, food, health/dental care, education and various other U.S. Resources meant for Americans! Resources like Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare.

Each and every illegal immigrant currently on American Soil that entered illegally over the last 3 1/2 years, is currently paid $2,200 by the U.S. Government, using our Tax Dollars on a Prepaid Visa Card they are given when they illegally cross our border. Not sure where these funds are appropriated from, but with even more spending like this... Tell me that doesn't increase inflation!?

The hardest hit by this are the American Veterans, American Minorities, Americans with Lower Incomes, Homeless Veterans and other Homeless Americans.



"For Evil to Triumph...
It Only Takes Good Men To Do Nothing!!!"
~ Edmund Burke ~

Americans are being left behind...
and This is costing American Lives!

The number of "Encounters" by Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) have been out of control since Jan 2021 and they only continue to increase breaking records of numbers of illegal immigrants. Migrant caravan after migrant caravan contineously stream over the Southern Border into the United States (wearing Biden/Harris re-election t-shirts).

These totals Do Not Include the Millions of Gottaways Each Year. Any One of Them, would-be terrorists, murderers, sex-offenders and child molestors and illegal illicit narcotics transporters!

These totals Also Do Not Include unaccompanied MINORS. Incidently, the Biden Administration, lost track of some 100,000+ unaccompanied minors. The are being trafficked and sold into the child-porn industry, used as sex-slaves and for body parts. These also do not account for all the family units arriving.

In the last year alone, the massive surge of unvetted illegal immigrant single adult Males (categorized as "fighting age males"), from over 170+ Countries all over the world, NOT-Friendly to the United States, has increased exponentially...

Especially concerning are surges from China, Russia, North Korea and the Middle East!

Within the last 3 1/2 years, the 46th Adminiistration of the United States has allowed so many Unvetted, Undocumented, Illegal Immigrants into the United States. To put the totals into perspective, Thats the total COMBINED Population Equivalent to Fifteen (14) U.S. States...

# State Population
1 New Mexico 2,114,371
2 Nebraska 1,978,379
3 Idaho 1,964,726
4 West Virginia 1,770,071
4 Hawaii 1,435,138
5 New Hampshire 1,402,054
6 Maine 1,395,722
7 Montana 1,132,812
8 Rhode Island 1,095,962
9 Delaware 1,031,890
10 South Dakota 919,318
11 North Dakota 783,926
12 Alaska 733,406
13 Vermont 647,464
14 Wyoming 584,057
Total Pop of 14 States 18,989,296

Also within the last 3 1/2 years, the 46th Adminiistration of the United States has also allowed Gottaways to invade the United States. To put those totals into perspective, that's the total Population Equivalent to Kansas or Mississippi (2,900,000).

Customs and Border officials say any/all reported numbers by the Administration of Homeland Security, fall way short of the real actual numbers. CBP warns the situation will only get worse if something is not done to protect the National Sovereignty of the United States!



"For Evil to Triumph...
It Only Takes Good Men To Do Nothing!!!"
~ Edmund Burke ~

Must Watch!!!

Patriots Unite!
We Need To Restore Safety & Security to Our Country

Border Crisis

Border Snapshots

  • All
  • Drugs
  • CBP
  • Invasion
  • Cartels
  • Caravans

Contact With Skin Can Be Lethal

Lethal Dose Will Kill an Average Adult

Just Contact with Your Skin

Lethal Dose Will Kill an Adult

Printable Postcard

Dimensions: 5-1/2" x 4-1/4"

Fetanyl Seized at the Border

Record number of Fetanyl being seized

Printable Business Card

Dimensions: 2" x 3-1/2"

Thank You for Your Support!

Businesses Step-Up For The Veterans

Residents Begging for Border Security

Border Residents Hold Up Signs

Cartels Abandoned Drugs

Ran to Avoid Being Captured

Migrants Smuggling Drugs

Cartels have migrants walking drugs into USA

Govt Says Come

Caravans Bow for Entry

Caravan Poses for Camera

Caravan Enroute to the U.S.A.

Border Patrol Surrenders

Agents Hand Out Free Supplies

Cartels Scale Border Wall

Border Patrol to Overwhelmed

Seized from the Drug Cartels

Heavy Weapons and Hand Grenades

Caravans Still Coming

Never Ending Flow of Illegals

Small Amounts Actually Siezed

Never Ending Flow of Fentanyl

Government Says Come

Migrants Distration for Cartels Smuggling

Fentanyl Seized at Border

Kill every American TWICE Over

Illegals Invading The USA

Scaling the Wall in Broad Daylight

US Customs and Border Protection

The USA - Mexico Border in 2019

Immigrants Distraction for Cartel Smuggling

Mass Migrant Caravan into The USA

Illegal Immigrants Coming to Vote Joe

Mass Migrant Caravan into The USA

Illegal Immigrant Swarms at USA Border

Mass Migrant Caravans into The USA

Illegal Immigrant Swarms at USA Border

Mass Migrant Caravan into The USA

Coming by the 100's-Thousands

Non-stop Border Swarm

Biden Says Border IS Secure

Has More Important Things to Do Than Visit the Border

Fentanyl's Many Varieties

Deadly Drugs Flooding into the U.S.A.

Cartels Transport Deadly Drugs into the US

Cartels Use Gaps While Swarms Distract BCP

2,000 Miles of Southern Border

These Areas Need to be Manned - ATV's & Drones

Shelters at Southern Border

Housing for immigrants - Not Veterans

Goverment Wrong Messaging!

Illegal Immigrants Want Their Free Free Free